Dear Friend of Monterey Public Library,
As we reflect on 2020, one of our many shared experiences was the need to reimagine, reinvent, and innovate. It wasn’t easy, right?! I’m proud of our Library for its flexibility and sheer determination to bring fresh services and programs to you. I’m proud of the Friends & Foundation for developing new opportunities to connect, volunteer, and fundraise. Mostly, I’m proud of this supportive community – neighbors who share with us daily their appreciation for and dependence on the Library. We appreciate everyone who donated, volunteered, purchased a book, participated in an event, wrote to the City Council, and showed the value of the Library in hard times by using curbside and online services. Thank you, Monterey, for learning with us.
If you have not received Library and Museums Director Inga Waite’s year end message, you will find it here.
The Monterey County Gives! campaign closes at midnight tonight. If you are able, please consider making a contribution to the Monterey Public Library Friends & Foundation. Gifts of all sizes are welcome, because it’s together that we make a difference.
During this year, the Friends of the Monterey Public Library became the Monterey Public Library Friends & Foundation. This change reflects our dedication to doing even more to preserve and enhance essential Monterey Public Library services in 2021 and the years ahead. We hope you will join us.
All the best for a happy, healthy New Year.
Thank you again for being a Friend,
Diane de Lorimier
President, MPL Friends & Foundation